Sunday, August 27, 2006

Map of "Island"

Here is a link to the map of the small island that we are on....

Today was basically a free day. Alice and I got up and finally went to breakfast around 9:00ish. Then we ran into some friends in the lobby and let the kids just play on the floor for awhile. I took my sandals off while I was sitting on the floor and was told that I had to put them back on by the sandal nazi in the lobby!! :=)

Alice and I walked around the island for about 45 minutes or so while she slept. I found a little roman catholic church, but it was locked up and I couldn't read the sign to figure out if they held mass because it was all in Chinese -- I will have to ask about that. It is a nice little island. We came back and felt like it should be 5:00 pm and it was only noon.

We filled out the remainder of our paperwork for the visa application and then just went to dinner. Tomorrow is the zoo and a Latino barbeque for lunch.

Still working on the pictures. In the meantime, you should visit the following blog. It is a family in our group and they have done a fantastic job documenting what we have been up to and she has been able to get pictures up of where we have been. Even if you don't read it, you can just scroll down and look at the pics real quick.

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