Last night Alice kept going until around 10pm and when we laid her down in her bed she simply closed her eyes and went to sleep -- alot like her new daddy! She slept until about 6ish and woke up and just looked at us with a face that said "oh, that wasn't just a dream"! She ate a great breakfast and eats almost anything we put in her mouth. Not quite as picky as her brothers are!
We went back to Civil Affairs to register the adoption so baby Alice is officially ours!! Please say a prayer for baby Alice's mother. I hope that she feels a since of peace even though she doesn't know that her daughter is not part of a family that will love her forever. That process involved being interviewed twice asking questions like why we wanted to adopt her and promising that we would never abandon or abuse her. Then going to get our picture taken and then being interviewed by another person who asked us the exact same questions! We were trying to decide if this is the new bureaucracy or the old!
On the way home, she sat with both hands on the window and her eyes fixed on everything that was going on outside -- very, very curious. I have to remember that every time we do something it might be the first time that she has ever tried it or seen it! Gives a more exciting perspective on things! Loves riding in the stroller and elevator and loves being lifted up and down any way you can.
We had lunch and then went walking around the little island streets. Alice stayed awake until 5. She slept for a couple of hours and then we went to dinner. And now she is reinvestigating the room like last night.
We still have not heard her cry! She laughs at almost anything. She is learning to clap and we think she might be getting used to her name. I sat her on the scale in the bathroom and she weighed about 20lbs.
Things still seem a little surreal -- and I can't believe that she is mine to keep and bring home!
Congratulations to all of you!! She is a very lucky little girl to be able to be part of such a loving family!!
Love, Maria : )
What a fantastic update! She seems like such a fun-loving, sweet and easy-going child. It seems she will be a perfect sister for her older brothers! Keep enjoying every moment and stay safe.
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